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To choose a suitable spray tower type, we must go through investigation and research, fully understand the use conditions, and choose a reasonable tower type with better characteristics.Generally speaking, there are many choices of spray tower types that meet the requirements of production tasks at
Most industrial manufacturing companies now install environmental protection equipment, and they are more concerned about whether they can meet the standards after installation. There are three points to achieve the standards:1. Does the manufacturer have this technical strength?2. Is the product se
Municipal solid waste and industrial waste produced by the fair industry can provide corresponding heat by incineration, and then convert the heat into generator power for power generation. This is a new type of power generation method with reduced, harmless and resource-based The characteristics of
At present, the treatment methods commonly used in the industry to treat low-concentration ammonia nitrogen mainly include chemical agent method, adsorption method, breaking point chlorination method, biological method, and stripping method.1. Chemical Agent LawAmmonia nitrogen remover mainly achiev
Atmospheric particulate matter refers to solid or liquid particulate matter dispersed in the atmosphere. According to its particle size, it can be divided into total suspended particulate matter and inhalable particulate matter. At present, inhalable particulate matter (less than l0um) is the primar
Air pollution is severe in many parts of the world. Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air, and the death toll caused by air pollution reaches 7 million every year. Up to one-third of deaths caused by stroke, lung cancer, and heart disease are due to air pollution.Air pollution is everywhere. N
Air pollution is currently one of the most important environmental pollution. The main causes of operational air pollution are industrial production, automobile exhaust, coal combustion, and material combustion. For example, the pollutants emitted by automobiles are mainly carbon monoxide (CO), hydr
1. Actual measurement method-when the exhaust gas emission has an actual measurement value, Q= q*B/b/10000, where: Q——the annual exhaust gas emission, ten thousand standard m3/y; q——the hourly exhaust gas emission , Standard m3/h; B——annual fuel consumption (or clinker output), kg/y; b——fuel consump
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