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Working principle of ammonia gas scrubber

Views: 6     Author: Xicheng EP LTD     Publish Time: 2023-04-13      Origin: Xicheng EP LTD

An ammonia gas scrubber is a device that is used to remove ammonia gas from an industrial or commercial setting. The scrubber works by using a chemical reaction to convert the ammonia gas into a harmless compound that can be safely released into the environment.

The working principle of an ammonia gas scrubber is based on a chemical reaction between ammonia and a scrubbing solution. The scrubbing solution is typically a mixture of water and a chemical compound that reacts with ammonia to form a harmless compound. The most common scrubbing solutions for ammonia gas scrubbers are sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium bisulfite.

ammonia gas

Working principle of ammonia gas scrubber

When the ammonia gas enters the scrubber, it is first mixed with the scrubbing solution. The scrubbing solution is typically sprayed into the gas stream using a series of nozzles. As the gas and scrubbing solution mix, the ammonia reacts with the scrubbing solution to form a harmless compound.

The chemical reaction between ammonia and the scrubbing solution is typically exothermic, which means that it releases heat. The heat generated by the reaction helps to increase the efficiency of the scrubbing process by promoting the chemical reaction between the ammonia and the scrubbing solution.

The scrubbed gas is then typically passed through a mist eliminator or demister to remove any remaining droplets of scrubbing solution. The mist eliminator typically consists of a series of baffle plates or mesh screens that capture the droplets of scrubbing solution.


The scrubbing solution is continuously circulated through the scrubber to ensure that there is a constant supply of fresh scrubbing solution available to react with the ammonia gas. The scrubbing solution is typically stored in a tank located at the bottom of the scrubber, and it is pumped to the top of the scrubber using a recirculation pump.

As the scrubbing solution reacts with the ammonia gas, it becomes saturated with the harmless compound that is formed. When the scrubbing solution becomes saturated, it is typically replaced with fresh scrubbing solution to ensure that the scrubber remains efficient.

One of the main advantages of an ammonia gas scrubber is that it is highly efficient at removing ammonia gas from the air. The chemical reaction between the ammonia gas and the scrubbing solution ensures that the ammonia gas is converted into a harmless compound that can be safely released into the environment.

Another advantage of an ammonia gas scrubber is that it is relatively simple and inexpensive to operate. The scrubbing solution is typically a common chemical that is readily available, and the equipment required to operate the scrubber is relatively simple and easy to maintain.

In conclusion, an ammonia gas scrubber is a highly efficient device that is used to remove ammonia gas from an industrial or commercial setting. The working principle of the scrubber is based on a chemical reaction between ammonia gas and a scrubbing solution. As the gas and scrubbing solution mix, the ammonia reacts with the scrubbing solution to form a harmless compound. The scrubbing solution is continuously circulated through the scrubber to ensure that there is a constant supply of fresh scrubbing solution available to react with the ammonia gas.

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