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How does the scrubber system work?

Views: 14     Author: XICHENG EP LTD     Publish Time: 2021-08-16      Origin: XICHENG EP LTD

The dust-containing exhaust gas is continuously transported to the scrubber system through the suction of the exhaust fan, and the exhaust gas is transported to the scrubber of the system. The dust-containing gas and the neutralizing liquid undergo a spray washing reaction process in the scrubber. For the exhaust gas contained in the exhaust gas (such as hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide, various acid mist, etc.), the first type of exhaust gas is fully contacted and mixed with the exhaust gas. The liquid mist is neutralized and fully neutralized to form a better gas-liquid intersection and addition.

The sprayed water mist forms a treatment layer with a large porous contact surface in the packing layer (hollow sphere) of the scrubber to further process the gas.

After passing through the packing layer, the fine water mist continues to return to the water tank at the bottom of the scrubber for recycling. The exhaust gas is circulated and absorbed through the packing layer from bottom to top, passes through the liquid distributor from the top of the tower, is evenly sprayed into the packing layer, moves down the surface of the packing layer, and enters the circulating water tank. As the updraft is in constant contact with the descending absorption liquid squeezed in the packing, the concentration of the fluid in the updraft is getting lower and lower, meeting the tower top discharge requirements.

The structure system of the conventional wet scrubber is summarized as follows: one layer defogging, two-layer spraying, three layers of packing, four windows, and five live ball valves.

Packing layer inside plastic scrubber

Scrubber defogging layer: generally separated by grids, with filler on top, the height of the filler layer can reach 500mm. In order to improve the efficiency of defogging, the scrubber produced by our company can be equipped with a plate-type defogging device.

Spray layer: The spray layer is composed of nozzles and nozzles. According to the diameter of the wet scrubber, the density of spray pipes and nozzles are different. Adopting nozzles, the spray is even, the flow rate is large, and it is not easy to be blocked.

Filler layer: The filler layer is placed on top of the defogging layer and spraying layer. The main fillers are multi-faceted hollow balls and Raschig rings. The packing layer in the spray tower is used as a mass transfer device for the gas-liquid phase contact components. The bottom of the packing tower is equipped with packing pallets, and the packing is randomly stacked on the pallets. A packing pressure plate is installed above the packing to prevent it from being blown away by the rising airflow. The spray tower spray liquid is sprayed onto the packing from the top of the tower through the liquid distributor and flows down the surface of the packing.

Window: Also called detection port. Generally, there are two specifications for forming windows, φ500mm and φ400mm. The main function of the window is to observe the internal operation of the scrubber, replace the packing, and repair the nozzle.

Live connection ball valve: Mainly control the switch of circulating water.

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