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Which methods are mainly used for industrial waste gas treatment

Views: 16     Author: China Xicheng     Publish Time: 2021-03-25      Origin: China Xicheng

Industrial waste gas has become the largest source of air pollution in our lives. In order to reduce the emission of industrial waste gas and toxic gas, all countries require industrial production companies to do a good job of purifying waste gas during production.

Selection of waste gas treatment methods Currently, there are mainly four methods for organic waste gas treatment:

①Combustion method

Including high-temperature combustion and catalytic combustion. The former requires additional fuel combustion. Therefore, when using this method, consider recycling heat energy; catalytic combustion has low energy consumption, but in the early stage of work, electric heating is required to heat the exhaust gas to the ignition temperature. It is not suitable for occasions with frequent driving and parking. Considering that the heat recovered by the high-temperature combustion method exceeds the heat energy required for production, it is not appropriate. The direct use of catalytic combustion is too expensive.

②Absorption method

That is, use appropriate absorbents (such as diesel, kerosene, water, etc.) to absorb in the absorption tower, and after absorption to a certain concentration, separate the solvent from the absorption liquid, recover the solvent, and reuse the absorption liquid or treat it separately. The key to the method is the choice of absorbent. Since the separation of solvent and absorbent is difficult, its application is limited.


③Activated carbon adsorption method

Adopt porous activated carbon or activated carbon fiber to absorb organic waste gas, and regenerate it with low-pressure steam after saturation. The solvent waste gas discharged during regeneration is condensed and water separated to recover the solvent. It is suitable for discontinuous treatment processes, especially for solvent recovery in low-concentration organic waste gas. very good result.

④Condensation method

The cold medium is mainly used to treat high-temperature organic waste gas steam, which can effectively recover the solvent. The treatment effect is related to the temperature of the refrigerant, the treatment efficiency is relatively lower than other methods, and it is suitable for the treatment of high-concentration exhaust gas. According to the situation of this project, it is better to adopt activated carbon adsorption and catalytic combustion method. Combining this method to treat benzene and organic gases in the waste gas, according to the requirements provided by Party A, the equipment uses two adsorption beds, one is used and one is prepared, and the spare adsorption bed is used to desorb the other carbon adsorption bed. .

The treatment of industrial waste gas needs to go through a professional purification organization for purification system design, and choose different purification methods for different industries.

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