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What types of air pollution control equipment are there?

Views: 11     Author: Xicheng Ep Ltd     Publish Time: 2022-01-06      Origin: Xicheng Ep Ltd

Air pollution control equipment refers to a series of control equipment used to deal with air pollution and improve the environment, including dust removal equipment, gaseous pollutant control equipment, air collection hoods and piping systems.

Air pollution control is a pollutant emission control technology and pollutant emission control policy adopted to pay for air pollutants. The special gas pollutants emitted by various industries can be easily solved by changing the production process or even closing or relocating factories. At present, the main air pollutants are the soot, carbon dioxide and sulfide produced by burning fossil fuels, as well as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides emitted from automobile exhaust.


The control of industrial air pollutants is the main thing, but the air pollution caused by domestic fuels is common, especially the coal-burning pollution used for heating in every household is difficult to deal with, and only centralized heating and changing coal-burning can be used. To reduce pollutant emissions by means of gas, central heating requires a large investment and must be based on economic development.

Air pollution control equipment is divided into two types: dust removal equipment and adsorption control equipment

Dust removal equipment

Dust removal equipment mainly filters the dust and particulate waste gas in the air. Commonly used equipment in the market are:

  • Mechanical dust collector

  • Electrostatic precipitators

  • Filter dust collector

  • Wet dust collector

Electrostatic precipitators

Controlling device

Pollution control equipment can treat gaseous pollutants such as SO2, NOx, H2S, HF and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in the exhaust gas through adsorption, absorption, purification and other methods. Commonly used equipment are:

  • Absorption equipment

  • Wet scrubber equipment

  • Exhaust gas purification equipment

  • Governance equipment

  • Photocatalysis and biological purification

exhaust gas of garment factories

The selection of air pollution control equipment needs to be judged according to different types of industries and types of exhaust gas. You can also seek the help of a professional waste gas treatment company. The professional waste gas treatment company will customize an exclusive waste gas purification plan for the enterprise based on various considerations.

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