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What are the precautions for designing a practical wet scrubber?

Views: 7     Author: China xicheng     Publish Time: 2021-05-14      Origin: China xicheng

Many companies are looking for products with solid practicability and a high exhaust gas recovery rate for environmental protection equipment. The wet scrubber is a good choice. So, what are the main points to follow when designing a practical scrubber? Next, take a look at the introduction of the following article.

The critical points of the reliability design of washing tower equipment are as follows:

1. Determine the reasonable safety factor of the parts

The safety factor refers to the ratio of the theoretical bearing capacity of the part to the actual load. The following factors should be considered when determining the safety factor: the influence of environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, etc.; the consequences of overload or misoperation during use; whether the economic cost of improving the safety factor is balanced, etc.

The improvement of the safety factor should be achieved by optimizing the structural design rather than simply increasing the size, weight, or cost of the components.

Installation and commissioning of wet scrubber

2. Reserve design

The reserve design refers to the use of several parts with the same function as the spare mechanism. When one of the components fails, the backup agent immediately starts to work, and the machine can still work typically. The products of the reserve design are generally toxic chemical equipment, equipment with a high failure rate, critical equipment on the production line, or equipment with significant losses due to accidents. The main point of the reserve design is the preventive function, which can improve reliability and stability.

3. Environment-resistant design

In product design, the impact of environmental conditions should be considered; mechanical stress (vibration, shock, etc.), resistance design, and climatic conditions (high temperature, low temperature, humidity, rain, sun, weathering, corrosion, etc.) should be designed for resistance. When planning, it is necessary to predict the actual environmental conditions of the product and take corresponding anti-environmental measures.

4. Simplified and standardized design

The design adopts mature technology and structure, reduces the number of parts as much as possible, and adopts standardized components to ensure the reliability of the entire system. Product simplification and standardization are the keys to improving reliability; that is, the simpler the product structure, the better. Under the premise of meeting the functional requirements, the probability of failure is less because the number of parts is negligible.

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