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Ways to control air pollution

Views: 26     Author: China xicheng     Publish Time: 2021-04-12      Origin: China xicheng

Methods and steps edit

(1) Collect and investigate the location of various air pollution sources in relevant cities or regions, the types, quantities, temporal and spatial distribution of the main harmful substances discharged, the height of the pollution sources, and the exhaust velocity. For a large number of scattered small pollution sources, such as residents and commercial catering stoves, the entire area should be divided into several communities, and the small pollution sources in each district should be treated as non-point sources.

(2) Monitor the air pollutants' concentration at each relevant monitoring point in the monitoring area, and calculate the daily, monthly, and annual average concentration at each end.

(3) Research and determine the appropriate local air pollutant diffusion model, and calculate the value of the harmful substances emitted by various pollution sources in the area on the environment, and step by step to determine when the air pollutants in the background are reduced to the allowable value or target value, The reduction plan of various pollution sources in the region. When determining this plan, it is necessary to make full use of atmospheric environmental capacity.

(4) Investigate the funds that can be used for the comprehensive prevention and control of air pollution within a certain period.

(5) Research various possible measures to reduce air pollution. If to reduce the corruption of the boiler smoke to the environment, a dust collector can be installed to eliminate smoke and dust and reduce the amount of coal burned to reduce the amount of smoke and dust. Central heating and pollution-free energy can also be used.

Governance measures edit

Reduce the emission of pollutants

① Reform the energy structure and adopt pollution-free energy (such as solar, wind, and water power) and low-polluting energy (such as natural gas, biogas, alcohol).

②Pre-treatment of fuels (such as fuel desulfurization, coal liquefaction and gasification) reduces atmospheric pollution during combustion.

③Improve combustion equipment and combustion technology (such as reforming stoves, using boiling furnace combustion, etc.) to improve combustion efficiency and reduce harmful gas emissions.

④Using non-polluting or low-polluting industrial production processes (such as not using or using less polluting raw materials, using closed-loop technology, etc.).

⑤Energy saving and comprehensive utilization of resources.

⑥Strengthen corporate management to reduce accidental emissions and escapes.

⑦ Clean up and properly dispose of industrial, domestic and construction waste residues in time to minimize ground dust.

Control the primary pollutants discharged

After the measures mentioned above are taken in the combustion process and industrial production process, some pollutants are still discharged. The emission concentration and total emission should be controlled so that it does not exceed the area's environmental capacity. The main methods are:

① Use various dust collectors to remove smoke and different industrial clouds of dust.

②Using a gas absorption tower to treat harmful gases (such as ammonia, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and other alkaline solutions) absorb sulphur dioxide in exhaust gas; alkali absorption method to treat nitrogen oxides in exhaust smoke). 

③Apply other physical (such as condensation), chemical (such as catalytic conversion), physicochemical (such as molecular sieve, activated carbon adsorption, membrane separation) methods to recycle valuable substances in the exhaust gas, or make harmful gases harmless.

Development of plant purification

Plants have the functions of beautifying the environment, adjusting the climate, intercepting dust, absorbing harmful gases in the atmosphere, and purifying the atmosphere continuously for a long time in a large area. Especially when the pollutants in the atmosphere have a wide range of influence and relatively low concentrations, plant purification is an effective method. The planned and selective expansion of green areas in cities and industrial sites is a long-term practical and multi-functional measure for the comprehensive prevention and control of air pollution.

Use the environment's self-purification ability.

The atmospheric environment's self-purification has physical and chemical effects (diffusion, dilution, oxidation, reduction, precipitation washing, etc.) and biological effects. When the total amount of pollutants discharged is constant, the temporal and spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations are related to meteorological conditions. Understanding and mastering the laws of meteorological changes and making full use of the atmosphere's self-purification ability can reduce the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere and avoid Or reduce air pollution hazards. For example, based on the changes in aerodynamics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere in different regions and different heights, the chimneys' size in the other areas can be reasonably determined. The atmospheric pollutants discharged through the vents can be rapidly diffused and diluted in the atmosphere.

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