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The working principle of PP duct injection molding machine

Views: 4     Author: Xicheng EP LTD     Publish Time: 2023-04-08      Origin: Xicheng EP LTD

PP Duct Injection Molding Machine is an injection molding machine used to produce polypropylene (PP) ducts, usually used in ventilation and air conditioning systems. The machine works by melting PP pellets and injecting the molten material into the mold cavity.

The PP air duct injection molding machine can evenly extrude PP air ducts of different sizes and thicknesses. The automatic control system can run production 24 hours a day, which can save a lot of human resources. Due to the injection molding of the air duct material, it has good sealing performance and compression resistance.

The working principle of PP duct injection molding machine can be divided into 5 stages:

1. Material preparation: The first step in the process is to prepare the PP pellets. The pellets are loaded into the machine's hopper, which feeds them into the barrel of the injection unit.

2. Melting: The second stage is to melt the particles in the barrel. The barrel has a heating element that heats the material to a temperature of approximately 200-300°C. When the material is heated, it melts and becomes sticky.

3. Injection: The third stage is injection. Once the material is melted, the injection unit moves forward and injects the molten material into the mold cavity. The mold cavity consists of two halves of the mold that are clamped together.

4. Cooling: The fourth stage is cooling. Once the molten material is injected into the cavity, it begins to cool and solidify. The mold is cooled by a cooling system, which usually involves circulating water through channels in the mold.

5. Ejection: The final stage is ejection. Once the part has cooled and solidified, the mold is opened and the part is ejected. The ejection system usually consists of ejector pins that push the part out of the mold.

PP duct injection molding machine

In addition to these stages, there are several other components and systems that are integral to the operation of a PP duct injection molding machine:

Injection unit: The injection unit is responsible for melting the PP pellets and injecting the melted material into the mold cavity. It consists of screw, barrel and nozzle. The screw rotates and pushes the material forward, while the barrel heats the material and the nozzle directs the material into the mold.

Mold: A mold is the component that creates the final part shape. It is usually made from two halves that are clamped together during the injection process. Molds can be designed to produce multiple parts at once, which is known as a multi-cavity mold.

Clamping unit: The clamping unit is responsible for holding the mold together during the injection process. It consists of a fixed platen and a movable platen, which are connected to the hydraulic system. A hydraulic system provides the force needed to clamp the mold together.

Cooling system: The cooling system is responsible for cooling the mold during the cooling phase. It usually consists of channels or passages in the mold that are filled with a coolant such as water or oil. The coolant absorbs heat from the mold and carries it away, allowing the material to cool and solidify.

Control system: The control system is responsible for monitoring and controlling the operation of the machine. It consists of a controller and various sensors and actuators to monitor and regulate temperature, pressure and other variables.

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PP duct Injection Molding Machine works by melting PP pellets and injecting the molten material into the mold cavity. Once the material has cooled and solidified, the mold is opened and the part is ejected. The machine consists of several components and systems, including injection unit, mold, clamping unit, cooling system and control system. By using this machine, high quality PP air ducts can be produced with high precision, efficiency and consistency.

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