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Polypropylene Plastic 90 Deg Elbow

In the PP ventilation pipe system, the PP elbow is a pipe fitting that changes the direction of the pipe. According to the production process, it can be divided into: moulded elbow, injection elbow, socket elbow, etc.
  • XC-13


  • 3917400000

1. Introduction

In the PP ventilation piping system, the PP elbow is the pipe that changes the direction of the pipe:Bend molding.Injection elbow.Socket elbow, etc.
There are 45 DEG and 90 DEG to 180 DEG three most commonly used.
In addition, according to the project needs, including 60 degrees and other non normal angle elbow.
Elbow and pipe connections are: direct welding (the most commonly used way), flange connection, hot melt connection, electric melting connection, threaded connection and socket connection.




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