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How to deal with industrial waste gas?

Views: 15     Author: China xicheng     Publish Time: 2021-03-26      Origin: Site

With the rapid development of industry, air pollution caused by industrial emissions has become more serious, which has a tremendous negative impact on the natural environment and human health. Industrial waste gas mainly includes carbon dioxide, carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, fluoride, nitrogen oxide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid (fog), flue gas, dust, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, benzene, toluene, xylene, and other benzene-based organic waste gas. Industrial waste gas is an essential source of air pollution, and industrial waste gas treatment is necessary. Due to the different production processes of factories, the types of waste gas pollutants produced by industrial waste gas are also different. Other types of waste gas pollutants should adopt different waste gas treatment processes. Exhaust gas treatment should be mainly divided into four different types.

Industrial waste gas treatment types can be roughly divided into inert gas treatment, combustible gas treatment, combustion-supporting gas treatment, and toxic gas treatment.

1. Industrial waste gas-inert gas treatment:

  • Although there is no danger, a large amount of inert gas accumulation will reduce the surrounding oxygen content, thereby suffocating people.

  • Discharge in a suitable place outside.

  • If the cylinder or instrument is indoors, connect the exhaust pipe to the outdoor and discharge slowly.

  • The gas is filtered through the exhaust gas purification device; generally, wet scrubber and dry scrubber are used.

2. Industrial waste gas-combustible gas treatment:

  • For the discharge of combustible gas, if the discharge volume is large, try to choose a place with few people, no fire source around, and equip with corresponding fire extinguishers, sand, and water

  • When the combustible gas in the gas cylinder is discharged, the staff should stand on the side of the gas outlet to operate to prevent personal injury caused by the gas injection.

  • When using the combustion method, a pressure-reducing valve should be installed to control the speed of the combustible gas and release it as slowly as possible to make it entirely burned in the combustion device.

3. Industrial waste gas-combustion-supporting gas treatment:

  • Remove the powder, oil, grease, and combustibles attached to the container valve or appliance, and then dispose of the gas.

  • It is forbidden to process combustion-supporting gas and combustible gas near the same place to prevent explosion accidents.

  • Disposal of combustion-supporting gas without fire source, flammable and explosive materials around.

4. Industrial waste gas-treatment of toxic gas:

  • When handling toxic gases, labor protection products such as gas masks, gloves, etc., must be worn. Personnel who have nothing to do with the handling work are prohibited from entering the gas handling area.

  • The adsorbent and adsorbent used for toxic gas treatment must be effective before use.

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