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Environmental problems caused by air pollution?

Views: 13     Author: Xicheng Ep Ltd     Publish Time: 2022-01-18      Origin: Xicheng Ep Ltd

The impact of atmospheric pollutants on weather and climate is very significant, which can be explained from the following aspects:

1. Reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground: A large number of smoke and dust particles are emitted into the atmosphere from factories, power stations, automobiles, and home heating equipment, making the air very turbid, blocking sunlight, and reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground. According to observation and statistics, in the days when the smog persists in large industrial cities, the amount of sunlight directly hitting the ground is reduced by nearly 40% compared with the days without smog. Cities with serious air pollution, such as this every day, will lead to poor growth and development of people, animals and plants due to lack of sunlight.

2. Increase the amount of precipitation in the atmosphere Acid rain: Many of the particles discharged from large industrial cities have the effect of condensation nuclei of water vapor. Therefore, precipitation occurs when there are other precipitation conditions in the atmosphere that cooperate with it. In the downwind areas of large industrial cities, there is more precipitation.

3. Acid rain: Sometimes, the rain that falls from the sky contains sulfuric acid. This acid rain is formed by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide, a pollutant in the atmosphere, to form sulfuric acid, which falls with natural precipitation. Sulfuric acid rain can destroy large forests and crops, corrode and shatter paper products, textiles, leather products, etc., make metal anti-rust coatings deteriorate and reduce their protective effect, and also corrode and pollute buildings.

Chemical Plant Exhaust Emissions

4. Increase the atmospheric temperature: Over large industrial cities, the temperature of the air near the ground is higher than that of the surrounding suburbs due to the large amount of waste heat being discharged into the air. This phenomenon is called "heat island effect" in meteorology.

5. Impact on global climate: In recent years, people have gradually paid attention to the impact of air pollution on global climate change. After research, it is believed that carbon dioxide plays an important role in various atmospheric pollutants that may cause climate change. About 50% of the vast amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from the Earth's countless chimneys and other exhaust pipes remains in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide can absorb long-wave radiation from the ground and increase the temperature of the air near the ground, which is called the "greenhouse effect". According to a rough estimate, if the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere increases by 25%, the air temperature near the surface can increase by 0.5 to 2 °C. If it is increased by 100%, the temperature near the ground can be increased by 1.5 to 6 °C. Some experts believe that if the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere continues to increase at the current rate, it will melt the ice in the north and south poles in a few years, causing global climate anomalies.

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