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Attention should be paid to these issues during exhaust gas treatment

Views: 9     Author: Xicheng Ep Ltd     Publish Time: 2021-09-18      Origin: Xicheng Ep Ltd

Treatment of toxic gas:


1. Absorbents and adsorbents used in the treatment of toxic gases should be effective before they can be used.

2. When handling toxic gases, the staff must wear gas masks, gloves and other labor protection devices that are not related to the handling work, and it is forbidden to enter the toxic gas treatment area.


Treatment of combustible gas:

1. Discharge the combustible gas in the steel cylinder. The staff should stand on the side of the air outlet to operate to prevent the gas from spraying out and hurting people.

2. For the discharge of combustible gas, if the discharge volume is large, choose a place with as few people as possible, pay attention to prohibit fire around, and prepare corresponding fire extinguishers, sand and water.

3. When the combustion method is used, a pressure reducing valve should be installed to control the speed of the combustible gas, and try to make the gas slowly release, so that it can be fully burned in the combustion device.


Effects of Air Pollution

Treatment of combustion-supporting gas:

1. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of combustion-supporting gas and combustible gas near the same place to prevent explosion accidents.

2. After the powder, petroleum, grease and combustible substances adhered to the container valve or the appliance are removed, the gas can be treated.

3. There should be no fire source, no combustible and explosive materials around the combustion-supporting gas.


Inert gas treatment:

1. Although the inert gas is not dangerous, the accumulation of a large amount of inert gas will reduce the surrounding oxygen content, thus suffocating people.

2. Discharge in an appropriate place outdoors.

3. If the cylinder or instrument is indoors, an exhaust duct can be connected to lead it to the outdoors for slow discharge.

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